Home Control Structures String Functions Web Forms State Information About
Home Control Structures String Functions Web Forms State Information About

About This Project

In the Web Development with PHP and MySQL course (CA 086) at Mission College, our final project is to create a unified web site that includes:

  • A template whereby all pages share the same general structure;
  • Control structures such as loops and functions for generating web information;
  • String functions for working with web information;
  • Web forms for working with user input;
  • Access to MySQL for storing and changing data; and
  • Cookies and other state information for keeping track of user sessions.

The course consists of the following modules:

1OrientationInstall xAMP, FTP, SSH, and text editor
2HTML ReviewWeb site, HTML, and CSS
3Getting StartedVariables, data types, expressions, operators
4ControlIf and switch, for and while loops, functions
5StringsAnd regular expressions
6FormsValidation, templates, dynamic content
9FilesFiles, directories, file permissions, uploading
10ArraysIndexed arrays, associative arrays
11MySQLDatabases, MySQL command line
12PHP and MySQLThe mysqli library
14StateQuery strings, cookies, sessions