Pie Charts

Enter one line for each slice. On each line, separate the the percentage from the caption with a comma or tab. You could paste from a spreadsheet.


Data. Enter one line for each slice. On each line, separate the the percentage from the caption with a comma or tab. You could paste from a spreadsheet.

Caption. This text will appear at the top of the page.

Show Legend. This toggles whether the text or the numbers appear in the pie. If numbers, then the text will appear below the pie as a legend.

1 - 2 - 3. How many columns in the legend. Use smaller numbers for longer legends, and higher numbers if the items are short.

Normalize. This scales the numbers so that they add up to 100 percent. This happens automatically if the numbers total to more than 100.

Permalink. This creates a URL where you can visit your chart again later.

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