Dapper Dancers Cue Sheets

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Folder Name Size Rhythm Phase Choreo Year Record Artist Status Flags
SentBy The Sea35KTwo StepIITueth1962Blue Star 1605-AThe TexansGoodW
SentDancing in the Street Mixer23KTwo Step MixerIIFosterBlue Star 1604-AThe TexansGood
SentDoll Dance40KTwo StepIIBieda1984BLUE STAR 2231-13The TexansFairN
SentEverywhere You Go46KTwo StepIIRushBlue Star 1701The TexansGood
SentHoneybun62KTwo StepIITurnerBlue Star 1618The TexansGood
SentJolly Polka21KTwo StepIIColburnBlue Star 1592The TexansGood
SentMoonLight Bay44KTwo StepIIRushBlue Star 1701The TexansGood
SentOl' Man River68KTwo StepIIMcCormickBlue Star 1748The TexansFair
SentRemember Today57KWaltzIIWylie1962Blue Star 1616The TexansGoodW
SentSamba Polka61KSambaIVVanderwalkerBlue Star 1616The TexansFair
SentSteppin' Out39KTwo StepIIKnappBlue Star 3-1528AThe TexansGood
NotSentGoodnight Sweetheart122KTwo StepIIKnappBlue Star 3-1528The TexansGood
MixersMamies Mixer72KTwo Step MixerIIHeltBlue Star 1788The TexansGood
13 dances found.